Monday, March 8, 2010

Benefibre and Peanut Butter

Alex and I got through our crazy plane 14 hr plane ride from LA to Brisbane perfectly fine! Well...not completely....we hadn't slept in almost 24 hours and we boarded the plane, only to find a crying baby parked right next to us..great! Alex popped a few gravol, I popped a few benadryl, and we snoozed for a few hours to la la land. In total I had about 6 hrs or 7, and Alex probably the same. We woke up quite early in the morning, about 4am and felt absolutely disgusting...traveling those amounts of hours makes you feel like the biggest piece of mud pie!
Nevertheless, we arrived in Brisbane at 7:45am. Who knew that peanut butter would be one of the highlights of trek to the world down under! In the PEI airport, the security had to ask me what the thing was in my bag that looked like a jar. "Benefibre?" I replied. "'s not that" um...hmmm " OH! Peanut butter!" "oh yea, that's probably it" I told them there were a few...she assured me that was it...but as PEI airport would do, they didn't bother to check the bag, just allowed it all to go right on through!
Cut to Brisbane...where they had to go through everything. "Alright mate, I need you to open up your bags!" cut mom two days before putting those plastic tag things that pull and tighten to lock up my zippers..." wouldn't happen to have scissors to cut all of these off?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't find all of the tissues I had used on the flight (I had a bad cold). So he cut off all the tags, we talked about why I was there...Alex watched he has done for the last four days! And I hauled out my three containers of PB, some other fibre bars and snacks...the benefibre..haha, he told me..and then read from my benefibre bottle, "to keep you regular." I chuckled..."yea," I said.."it's a powder thing you take with water." " Oh, well I don't really need that do I," he told me..."We have metamucil down here!" I laughed...thinking of all the things in my life, that benefibre and peanut butter would be the biggest thing I would have to get through on this trek down here. Fortunately...they don't ban peanut butter OR benefibre from entering their we were good to go! Poor Alex!
More later on the family we're with and the school, when I've had a bit of a rest.
peace and love everybody!

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